We’ve come a long way since we opened our doors in 2007. While the world of marketing communication has changed dramatically, our work still revolves around our core belief that big and sustainable ideas are the key to successful campaigns. This is what has worked in the past and we believe will continue to work in the future no matter how complex and wired the world has become. Once the single minded thought has been conceived, our processes and structures are designed to complement that. From strategic communication planning to outstanding creative execution of the big idea, there is certainly a method to our madness. At the end of it all, we measure and evaluate the campaign so that the effectiveness is gauged and our next big idea becomes even bigger.
Call it chemistry or magic, our team enjoys producing innovative work. We believe creativity is not a one-department function. It’s a way of life for all of us. The world does not need another generalist agency. It is specialization that has been the key to our success. Expertise of our people is the only valid reason why multinational brands, although aligned with their global advertising agencies, still prefer to work with us.
What differentiates good from great is the big idea. And big ideas don’t pop up like light bulbs in the minds of creative people. They require research, customer insight, strategic thinking and outstanding creative thinkers. For over a decade now, we have worked with the best of brands making their cash registers ring constantly. We are passionate about every single brand we handle big or small and this has resulted in creating outstanding communication solutions.
Business Learning Terms
What Idiot Box Cant Do For Commercials But Online Can?
Posted in Digital Media Planning & Strategy
This paper looks at exploring digital medium for the same commercials we see on TV. Video is the hottest new format for online advertising. Thanks to emphasize on infrastructural development, no of high speed connections are increasing day by day. According to TRAI, no of people of using broadband connections were 5.65 million by end of JAN 09. TRAI defines a broadband connection a connection with a minimum speed of 256Kbps. This makes consumption of online video rather easy. Thats why the consumption of online videos has consistently going up. Thats why YouTube is such a success today. Following table shows the last year video views and expected video views in this year.
Content Category
User Generated Video Content
Premium Branded Video Content
Non Premium Branded Video Content
Source: Vdopia*
I have put a all possible points of comparison for everyones reference. And here is what they look like.
Comparison Between Commercial On TV Vs Commercial On Online Medium
Assurance of Ad Exposure
Audience Involvement
Scope Of Innovation
Primetime Concept
Whos Watching Your Commercial
How Are Advertisers Charged
These are some of the quantitative differences between the two mediums. There are qualitative differences also like most of the young working professional are in office most of their time. Hence makes complete sense to run your commercial on online medium.
Though this comparison is not to de-sell or to sell any medium, the purpose of this comparison is to throw some light on advantages on each medium to achieve the clients objectives. With the growth of Internet, media fragmentation, slower rate of growth of TV(if not stagnation) and changing media consumption patterns of people, advantages of internet cant be ignored even though its might not be able to offer reach(in Indian scenario) as compared to TV.
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