Bringing human appeal back to brand communications.
We fit the work to the human, not the other way round.
Everything we do reflects how information is noticed and acted upon by the brain across its left and right hemispheresÂ… known as lateralisation.
This helps us to create strategies, branding and multi-channel campaigns that drive action, from strategic development, ideation and creative to final delivery and measurement.
Business Learning Terms
Defining Consumers
A consumer is a person (or group) who pays to consume the goods and/or services produced by a seller (i.e., company, organization).
It is important to note that consumers (or customers) play a vital role in the economic system of a nation.
In the fields of economics, marketing and advertising, a consumer is generally defined as the one who pays to consume the goods and services produced by a seller (i.e., company, organization).
It is important to note that consumers (or customers) play a vital role in the economic system of a nation .
Example of an open food market in Vienna, showing how consumers play an important role in a nation’s economy
Market Event
brand activation group name something sold door to door
promotional printing
baa conference 2013
advertising merchandise for businesses exhibition organisers
promotional stuff