Atl Campaigns Foundations in mumbai


Here at Brand Activation, we are an assorted collection of specialists possessing a deep understanding across all communication disciplines in a range of sectors. Hailing from different walks of life, we boast four well-integrated hybrid divisions offering a well synced 360° brand solution with our online and offline campaigns.

Since, creativity is the air we breathe, we make sure our progressive approach is fresh, clear and always adding value to our clients’ experiences. Through our work, we seek to inform, engage and ultimately inspire your audiences. We are an integrated “all in one” service provider and assure that your stakeholders have a profound and more genuine connections with you and your brand.

Guiding you every step of the way in this evolving marketing jungle, our new-age approach emanating from a single strategic platform will generate a significantly greater return on the brand investments than would be the case with traditional independent executions.

Whatever your business is and whatever your brief is, we are here to fulfill your needs and take you that extra mile!

Who we are?

We at Brand Activation would like to call ourselves “The Communicators” and a best and Brand Activationzy one at that! What good to have a grand vision and ideas if you can’t convey your fabulousness to the world. Brand Activation knows how to do it and do it right for you!
There is no ‘I’ in our team. It is amazing how much we can and have accomplished as a team. Our leadership team members win and lead our projects. Our clients meet our people they will work with right from the start to finish.

Why Brand Activation?

What makes us different? We are just as good as our last project – that’s what makes us a class apart! We are always proud of how we work in an effort to put priority to every detail. Our clients find genuine partners in us and we in turn feel like an extension of their team. This gives us a clear understanding of their prime objectives and we go the extra mile to get you there because success is shared. We work together toward a common vision.
Give us a Brand Activationz for PR, Social Media, Events, Personnel or Turn-Key Marketing solutions! You can send us your samples, publications, resumes and other random what not to our head on:

Information first design second. We meet our clients to get their needs and expectations & we research industry and competition to choose appropriate technology, platform and resources. After a good deal we do enter into the web designing process.


Business Learning Terms

It is becoming a difficult issue to be evasive about branding. We live, eat and drink brands. Some one has said that brands constitute the organizing mechanism that helps us navigate through each day. We are all branded even though we may not want to agree with that. Brand perceptions are result of mixed stimuli of interactions that an individual has with a given brand. This fact accounts for why brand managers as well as activators must work hard to ensure that the perceptions of various stimuli are resonating with brand’s character, behavior among others.

Brand activation demands that brand managers intensely ignite the passion of a big idea that customer will appreciate in all the processes. Effort must be made to connect the brand emotionally with the clients who eventually ‘owned’ the brand. Brand managers need to create strong believe in the offering through all the stages of brand activation. Brand experiences by the consumers must also create a deep relationship through education, interaction, motivation as well as communication that builds closer rapport.
Brand activation process must evolve and be able to change with time or remain in the present tense as a friend once asserted. Brand activation that will work must listen to and study the client’s preferences per time, the influencing factors in their decision making process.

A great brand activation effort must support, encourages customer awareness of the brand, good knowledge of the brand, promote liking, conviction and eventual purchase and re-purchase. I am also convinced that brand activation process must begin with what the brand stands for and proper identification of who the audience is. Brand activation process must show vividly the step by step guide on what to do at any point in time. It should guide the brand’s communication channels, designs, creativity among many other vital indices. Brand activation is an expression of how a brand will approach brand management activities from within the organization. Be sure that as brand manager, one is looking deeper behind every possibility in the brand and find out vital assets that have relevant consequences for the entire organization or brand. Brand position must be clearly elucidated. Brand activation that is wholly controlled by external consultants is bound to fail because the employees are major actors in making brand activation process successful.

Great brand activation meets with customers demand and challenges. Let me conclude today by saying that when brand activation is done right, the followings can be an advantage.

1. It enhances effectiveness of brand communication
2. It serves as a rational and impactful means to advertising campaign process, design
3. It helps to build strong emotional tie with clients
4. It aids brand’s repurchase.

In-House Activation
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