
Our Brand Activation approach ensures we communicate the emotion of the brand, while leveraging the right triggers and motivations to get customers to buy, beyond simply having a price discount.

We apply this approach to brands to drive sales both on and offline, crafting promotions that trigger sales at the key decision making moment. We created a promotion for a leading company based on the brand message.

It is challenge for brands to communicate consistently at the point of sale. When the brand isn’t presented correctly by retailers then a sale is less likely.

At Brand Activation  we work with clients to develop and facilitate communications that convey the emotion of the brand with compelling promotions rooted in consumer insight, which trigger sales at the point of sale. We’ve worked with experience team to create a visual merchandising tool, which helps their retailers to easily update fixtures so they communicate the brand correctly, so they both engage with and convert customers.

When customers minds are open to new information.
When customers narrow down their options to suit their need.
When customers give something up to get what they want.
When customer's evaluate their experience and create their perception of how it went.